Distance / Altitude | Location | Report Date / Time | Live Weather | Wind | Gusts | Temp. | Visibility | Cloud |
106 km ESE / 61 m | Puerto Penasco- Son. (Mexico) | 2024-12-03 20:00 local (2024/12/04 03:00 GMT) | no report | - (- km/h at -) | 27°C | 20 | - - - | |
109 km N / 218 m | Yuma Marine Corps Air Station Airport (Arizona) | 2024-12-03 19:57 local (2024/12/04 02:57 GMT) | - | calm (0 km/h at 0) | 17°C | 16 | few | |
124 km NW / 326 m | Mexicali International Airport (Mexico) | 2024-12-03 20:48 local (2024/12/04 03:48 GMT) | - | calm (0 km/h at 0) | — | 16 | ||
136 km N / 132 m | Laguna Army Airfield (Arizona) (Arizona) | 2024-12-03 19:55 local (2024/12/04 02:55 GMT) | Clear | calm (0 km/h at 0) | 14°C | 14 | ||
162 km WNW / 216 m | Imperial Airport (California) | 2024-12-03 19:53 local (2024/12/04 02:53 GMT) | Clear | calm (0 km/h at 0) | 16°C | 16 | ||
165 km WNW / 218 m | EL Centro Airport (California) | 2024-12-03 19:56 local (2024/12/04 02:56 GMT) | - | calm (0 km/h at 0) | 15°C | 16 | few | |
218 km N / 218 m | Blythe Airport (California) | 2024-12-03 19:52 local (2024/12/04 02:52 GMT) | Clear | light winds from the WNW (13 km/h at 290) | 17°C | 16 | ||
218 km WNW / 1341 m | Horse - SDHGPA (United States) | 2024-12-03 21:00 local (2024/12/04 04:00 GMT) | - | calm (0 km/h at 358) | 12°C | - | - - 0 | |
222 km NE / 262 m | Gila Bend Air Force Auxiliary Field (Arizona) | 2024-12-03 19:55 local (2024/12/04 02:55 GMT) | Clear | light winds from the SSE (9 km/h at 150) | 15°C | 16 | ||
242 km WNW / 160 m | Borrego Springs Airport (California) (California) | 2024-12-03 20:35 local (2024/12/04 03:35 GMT) | - | calm (0 km/h at 0) | 12°C | 16 | few few |
* NOTE: not all live weather reports for El Golfo de Santa Clara, Sonora, Mexico update at the same frequency which is why some locations can show data from stations that are more remote if the report is more recent than known closer ones. We also include live weather reports from ships and buoys if data are submitted close to El Golfo de Santa Clara, Sonora, Mexico, Mexico and within an acceptable time window.