Distance / Altitude | Location | Report Date / Time | Live Weather | Wind | Gusts | Temp. | Visibility | Cloud |
150 km SW / 48 m | Port Moresby (Papua New Guinea) | 2024-09-13 13:00 local (2024/09/13 03:00 GMT) | haze | fresh winds from the SSE (30 km/h at 160) | 26°C | 20 | - - - | |
151 km SW / 359 m | Port Moresby International Airport (Papua New Guinea) | 2024-09-13 14:00 local (2024/09/13 04:00 GMT) | Haze - | fresh winds from the SSE (37 km/h at 160) | 29°C | 10.0 | scattered broken | |
258 km SE / 23 m | Gurney (Papua New Guinea) | 2024-09-13 13:00 local (2024/09/13 03:00 GMT) | distant precipitation but not falling at station | - (- km/h at -) | 26°C | 30 | - - - | |
322 km WNW / 70 m | Nadzab (Papua New Guinea) | 2024-09-13 14:00 local (2024/09/13 04:00 GMT) | rain | light winds from the E (9 km/h at 90) | 25°C | 30 | scattered - - | |
389 km NW / 69 m | Mount Hagen Airport (Papua New Guinea) | 2024-09-13 14:00 local (2024/09/13 04:00 GMT) | Dry and partly cloudy | moderate winds from the S (20 km/h at 180) | 19°C | 10.0 | scattered scattered | |
463 km WNW / 1587 m | Goroka Highlands Airport (Papua-New Guinea) | 2024-09-13 13:00 local (2024/09/13 03:00 GMT) | visibility reduced by smoke | - (- km/h at -) | 22°C | 30 | - | |
608 km SW / 4 m | Coconut Island (Australia) | 2024-09-13 13:00 local (2024/09/13 03:00 GMT) | no report | - (- km/h at -) | 26°C | - | - | |
704 km SW / 13 m | Horn Island Airport (Australia) | 2024-09-13 14:30 local (2024/09/13 04:30 GMT) | Dry and partly cloudy | fresh winds from the ESE (33 km/h at 110) | 29°C | 10.0 | scattered | |
705 km SW / 5 m | Horn Island Automatic Weather Station (Australia) | 2024-09-13 15:00 local (2024/09/13 05:00 GMT) | Clear skies | fresh winds from the SE (35 km/h at 130) | 29°C | - | - no observation - | |
712 km SSW / 18 m | Lockhart River (Australia) | 2024-09-13 15:00 local (2024/09/13 05:00 GMT) | Clear skies | moderate winds from the SE (28 km/h at 130) | 28°C | - | - overcast - |
* NOTE: not all live weather reports for Oro Bay, Papua New Guinea update at the same frequency which is why some locations can show data from stations that are more remote if the report is more recent than known closer ones. We also include live weather reports from ships and buoys if data are submitted close to Oro Bay, Papua New Guinea, Papua New Guinea and within an acceptable time window.