Distance / Altitude | Location | Report Date / Time | Live Weather | Wind | Gusts | Temp. | Visibility | Cloud |
92 km WNW / 48 m | Puerto Obaldía wx (Panama) | 2024-10-07 04:48 local (2024/10/07 09:48 GMT) | - | light winds from the WSW (6 km/h at 238) | 24°C | - | - - 0 | |
114 km N / 0 m | lightning 53km NW of Arboletes (Colombia) | 2024-10-07 05:47 local (2024/10/07 10:47 GMT) | Thunderstorm | (- km/h at -) | — | |||
124 km NE / 89 m | Montería/Los Garzones Airport (Columbia) | 2024-10-07 05:30 local (2024/10/07 10:30 GMT) | Dry and partly cloudy | calm (4 km/h at 1) | 23°C | 10.0 | scattered | |
140 km NNE / 0 m | lightning 35km N of Puerto Escondido (Colombia) | 2024-10-07 05:46 local (2024/10/07 10:46 GMT) | Thunderstorm | (- km/h at -) | — | |||
140 km W / 67 m | Metetí wx (Panama) | 2024-10-07 05:03 local (2024/10/07 10:03 GMT) | - | calm (3 km/h at 162) | 22°C | - | - - 0 | |
143 km NNE / 0 m | lightning 22km W of San Bernardo del Viento (Colombia) | 2024-10-07 05:48 local (2024/10/07 10:48 GMT) | Thunderstorm | (- km/h at -) | — | |||
163 km SSW / 192 m | lightning 30km NW of Jurado (Colombia) | 2024-10-07 03:50 local (2024/10/07 08:50 GMT) | Thunderstorm | (- km/h at -) | — | |||
171 km SW / 1 m | Jaqué wx (Panama) | 2024-10-07 05:01 local (2024/10/07 10:01 GMT) | dry | light winds from the SSE (10 km/h at 148) | 25°C | - | - - 0 | |
192 km WSW / 0 m | lightning 22km NW of Garachine (Panama) | 2024-10-07 05:50 local (2024/10/07 10:50 GMT) | Thunderstorm | (- km/h at -) | — | |||
193 km NW / 0 m | lightning 104km NNE of Achutupo Numero Dos (Panama) | 2024-10-07 05:50 local (2024/10/07 10:50 GMT) | Thunderstorm | (- km/h at -) | — |
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Surf breaks close to Turbo, Colombia: | ||
Closest surf break | Miramar | 93 mi |
Second closest surf break | Colpipe | 94 mi |
Third closest surf break | Mecana | 139 mi |
Fourth closest surf break | Bahia Solano | 142 mi |
Fifth closest surf break | El Valle | 145 mi |